Friday, July 26, 2013

War Games Terrain Tiles

 My new house looms closer by the day and my thoughts have turned towards my up and coming war games room. For many years I have lugged a huge heavy piece of 6x8 MDF around the house to use as a gaming board. On one occasion it carved a channel out of  the stairs when i dragged it down them to set up a Roman game. It really is a dead weight and is just too big and heavy to move around with ease.

I have started thinking it's time to start over, a new room, a new gaming board. I have been thinking about terrain tiles! I have always liked the look of these and especially like the ones which are carved away to form river beds, roads and fords etc.

Can anyone out there recommend any good makes of gaming tiles for me?

Many thanks Secundus.


  1. I've been very happy with Hexon II tiles. As you're in the UK, shipping cost wouldn't be nearly the issue for you like it was for me. The tiles are lightweight and easy to store--I still keep mine in the medium-sized cardboard boxes they came packed in.

    You still need a surface to lay the tiles on, of course, but this can be nearly anything and doesn't have to be a massive sheet of MDF/pressboard. I made three 2x4 sheets from high-density foam that fold down into 2-foot-squares for storage and lay out nicely on my dining table.

    Of course, some people don't like hexes on their battlefield, but if that's not an issue for you, I highly suggest you give Hexon a look.

  2. I made the ones for Zama; they were cheap if somewhat time consuming to make. There's a how to on my blog...

  3. Thanks guys for the info, although I did have my heart set on square tiles and ones that were already made to save me time.
    Although saying that I have had a good look around the internet now and can't find any that fit my high standards. It looks like I will be making them after all. I shall certainly look through your Blog Simon for design tips then.

  4. If you are looking to make your own this is where I got my 2'x 2' boards to make my modular terrain (still sitting on the side waiting to be made

    Peace James

  5. You could order 600m square MDF boards, and similar sized 10mm thick blue board; stick on with no more nails and decorate...

  6. In this moment I´m very interested in these terrain elements from an Spanish company:

    I have some of them, and I´m very happy. Now they sell them unpainted, but are going to change it soon.

  7. 2' square terrain tiles from TSS - I've been using them for years... superb... available in green or sand - I have both...

  8. Thanks everyone for your help. It's a trick to get right. I won't have a lot of time once I moved to the new house so am thinking along the lines of buying basic boards and tweaking them. TSS look like good basic boards which I could later add more flock etc to to detail them. Also those river sections could do with a few river plants. Thanks again and I will post any results I do in the future. Secundus.
