Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The 3rd Prussian Brigade March to Victory.

An amazing experience and one that will stay with me forever.

Here our unit forms the center of the 3rd Prussian Brigade as we march to take a bridge at Leipzig. Pushed back three times we finally gain the ground with the aid of a Swiss regiment who changed sides towards the end of the battle.

I have been back a day already but I am still on a high from the event. Re-enacting in England I am used to seeing just a few units of French on the field, I was blown away by the numbers on the weekend. Thousands of Frenchmen in massive regiments of every shape and description.

 The noise of our Brigade charging at the point of bayonet still gives me a little shiver when I think of it.


  1. When you get a realy big reeanctment together its absolutely amazing!

  2. That looks brilliant fun!

  3. Huzzah! I know the feeling!

  4. Stunning sight and apart from the lady in blue superb in period action, you can see how everyone is sort of struggling to stay "in line" even in for warstandards perfect conditions, now imagine, hunger, thirst, lots of smoke not to mention real musketballs flying around and you start to see what absolute mayhem this kind of warfare must have been.

  5. What a fantastic experience

    The picture is amazing


  6. Great looking troops!

  7. Looks awesome...! Any more pictures...?

  8. That looks fantastic!

    You got to be in the front rank too! Wow. You are looking the business there. :)

    What an amazing scene. It could be right out of the real battle - but for that one particular lady. Hehe.

    It looks like it was a truly memorable epic of a day. :)

  9. I have seen 100s of photos of this event from FB friends. What a great looking event.

  10. Where are the pictures from the event is there a website for it?
