Friday, January 10, 2014

Dwarf Hero vs Goblin Horde

I get thousands of letters everyday here at Iron mitten central, but I received one yesterday that really got me thinking. Alison Barker from Skipton in Yorkshire writes:

Dear Secundus,

 I love your blog and read it every day. Your pictures are great and your painting is okay, but I need to know,  how many goblins does it take to bring down a Dwarf Major hero in War Hammer.

      yours faithfully Alison

Well this letter played on my mind for a while and after giving it some thought there was only one way to find out. Digging out my ancient War Hammer 2nd Edition rule 'box',  I got to work. First of all I contacted a very old friend of mine, a War Hammer expert, then we raided my old figure collection to fight out a game.

The results were quite surprising...


  1. Don't leave us guessing! I NEED to know!

    And yeah...your painting is "alright"...

    if "alright" mean "fantastic"!

  2. Lovely picture! And yes, don't hold out on us... how did the dwarf fare?

  3. Personally, I'm rooting for the Goblins...

  4. Well the results are in and I've spent all weekend drawing up the epic story. I think I will release it in parts because at the moment it's over ten pages long and still not finished. Put it this way, there's a lot of Goblins to get through.
