Monday, May 05, 2014

 Yeeaaahhh Thorin Oakenshield pushes in on this post and why not, you show'em Thorin! Just hurry up and get based!

 I'm not sure if he will be the top dog but he certainly will be a good second in command. I have a massive figure from 'Chronicle' which will probably end up being Bolg or Gothmog.
The big Black Uruk leader has two standards to mark him as being a bit more important on the field.

 Here are my collected LOTR Trolls.

 The two silver ones are from 'Reaper miniatures' and are based on a MERP illustration by my favourite artist ,Angus McBride. They were in the front running for my heavy hitters until I received my GW LOTR Troll off eBay . It is huge and goes very well with the rest of my force. The black Troll on the round base is not a war gaming mini but a collectors model. It would make a great figure for gaming but is a little small compared to the GW one to fit in. The first small Troll is a very old figure I think from Grenadier. I might use this for a half-troll from the East if I ever get to do an Easterling force.
Always keeping an eye open for gaming bargains I spotted this eagle made by Schleigh in a toy shop. They weren't super cheap but still a lot cheaper than any GW creation. I have bought a few and will repaint them ready for the battle of the Five Armies. I also dipped the unpainted models in boiling water and re-positioned their wings and heads so they all look a little different.


  1. Nice work; the eagles are nice too.

  2. Yes all very nice! I have some of that "troll" on the left; I've a feeling that it is an ogre, and I suspect Citadel.

  3. ...on reflection, I'm 99% sure that he is Ral Partha! :-)

  4. Yes I think you are right, his base doen't look like a Citadel one.

    Simon, I'm loving your Romans at the moment but can't seem to comment on your Blog due to the google ID thing. I don't really want to put in my details.
    However know that I am always there in spirit and loving your work!

  5. So sorry about the posting issue, S. Hopefully Google will realise that they are being daft, at some stage! My Romans are going from strength to strength... I'l have added 240 in April and May.

    If you find that you are short of ancient Dwarves, Elves, Dark Elves etc, you are welcome to come up here and sort through my boxes; I have a lot of old lead (and I mean lead!) that isn't doing much...

    Cheers, Simon

  6. Thanks Simon a very kind offer, however due to my new arrival I am a little short of cash at the moment. I had a Roman game at the weekend which I will post up shortly. We were trying out the COE rules however we made loads of mistakes some of which took away the fun of the game. You've got to start somewhere though and it's early days.

  7. I wasn't going to charge you for them, Secundus! :-) If you are short anything drop me a line. I have a fair bit of of Citadel pre slotta and other old lead.

  8. Very nice! Love your Orc skin tone - can I ask what you used?

  9. @Wardy-la i answered this in the comments on the previous post in some detail. Although i have found that most WWII uniform colours will work including the grey German stuff. British uniform brown is a favourite though.

  10. Thanks for the very kind offer Simon, I would love to pop by one day just to say hello and see your stuff up close. I work in London so could maybe pop by after work one day, only for an hour as I have to get back home to Bedfordshire. Let me know how you are fixed .

  11. Ah, so you did! Apologies :)
    Great tips there thanks. I really need to repaint my garish 'GW Green' orcs, including that excellent Harboth figure.
