Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cyberman Dropship (Cyberdropship)

 I've had my eye on several Shampoo bottles in the bath for quite a while and have always thought with a little work you could make a great spacecraft out of those...

 Now, last week on a trip down town, I ended up buying a DR Who Cyberman magazine. It celebrated Cybermen though out Doctor Who over the years. Now I love Cybermen, well the crap 80's ones anyway, so enjoyed flicking through it and seeing how things have developed over the years.

Well, it inspired me to get back on my Cyberman war game project and I wasted no time in chopping up more plastic Cybermen to make into casualties for the game.

However, I also started to think about some kind of landing craft for them. I did loads of research on line about Cyberships and it didn't turn up a lot of detail. Well, I thought I had better grab some of those Shampoo bottles and make one. So I did and very enjoyable it was too.

 I opened my bits box and searched around for pieces to stick on the bottles. Starting at the front I worked towards the back. It all kind of fell into place. A heavily armoured bridge sloped back onto listening sensors. Two large ports for unloading troops fast came next. These two ports were supported by a heavy gun turret on top of the landing craft. The back of the craft was heavily armoured with huge metal plates to protect the Cyberforce inside. It all worked itself out as I went along.

 It took on a StarWars feel with a Corellion Corvette look to it with it's hammer head bridge.