Monday, September 01, 2014

ACW Fences and stone walls

 The great fence production line.
 Here you can see the stones are dry brushed and the base has been re flocked. I also added the odd rail sticking up to add some variety.
 Chunks of 'grass mat' were also added along the fences to create areas of long grass. Also above you can see the rails have been greatly improved by running a knife along them and taking off the edges. Once dry brushed these look great and much more worn and realistic.
 While I had my flocking tubs out I thought It was time to finish off my wall sections too. These were another purchase off eBay many years ago, however they have green painted grass on their bases. I took the opportunity to give them a brown ink wash and flock them while I was on a roll.

Finished wall section. I added a brown earth coloured flock on top of the summer meadow flock to create variety.

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