Saturday, December 13, 2014

The mighty Bolg of the North

 Well here he is...Bolg son of Azog the defiler. It took a while to find a suitable figure to represent such a fierce character, but after I saw the size and pose of this old Grenadier orc, the choice became easy. The hands on the hips is a great pose for a leader of legions. I didn't go down the film route and paint him pale/white, but tried to stick to the book more. To make sense of his size and strength I made him a Black Uruk with dark grey skin. His command are also painted as Black Uruks and are considerably bigger than the lesser Orcs on the other bases.
 The other command figures are from Reaper miniatures and are lovely Bob Olley sculpts. The Warlord pointing is not one of Bob's but still a brilliant figure, he would of made a great Bolg himself If he hadn't been so over shadowed.

All the figures were painted quickly using the ink wash method. Colours were blocked in then given a wash of black, then highlighted again with the same base colour. This black wash technique worked well for the dark skin tones.

The New Hobbit (3) is out tonight...I'm looking forward to seeing it but at the same time a little worried. You know how it is with the new Hobbit films...anyway enough of that back to the painting.


  1. Great looking command unit. Orcs have always been one of my favorite fantasy type armies.

  2. That's a great looking little diorama you've created there for the command section.


  3. Awsomee I think it looks better than the the normale azog I wish the films had always stadet more true to the books

  4. Hello, can you be more specific about you bolg grenadier character? I'd like to hunt one down...
