Saturday, August 31, 2024

Aliens APC 28mm

Bought this APC for the desert war project from eBay. It is good but does have a few details missing. These were easily fixed with some plasticard and patience.
I'm really pleased with myself as I managed to rig up a way the main gun can be stored at the rear and fixed into a fire position. I had thought magnets were the answer but in the end I used a layer of plastic to lodge the gun in place on its rails. This is good as the gun can still rotate.
A dry fit just to see the scale of the vehicle.
Wire mesh is used to add some detail to the vents.
There are some print lines on the vehicle which I will try to work around.

I cut a small slice of cinder to act as a light. A piece of mesh acts as a guard. Above can be seen the small piece of plastic that keeps the gun in its firing position.

The door does look good open but it is rather loose just hanging in place on a runner.

 I also added some lights and towing equipment.


  1. A fantastic film, I hope you enjoy painting the APC, I'm looking forward to seeing it completed. A word to my 18 year old self, not a film to take a young lady to on a first date .... there wasn't second date!!!!!!!

  2. Fucking game over man!!!
