Monday, September 23, 2024

Operation Beorn Again.

The great bear himself finally turns up... bloody late as usual.
After waiting a while for the second bear to arrive...the cutting and hacking could begin.
The plastic was very tough to get through with my craft saw. After what seems an age, the great heavy head fell off and the Orcs cheered. They soon stopped when they saw the angry head being wired into place.

I had to try a couple of different fur techniques, for this chunky, thick fur, I went for the classic GW wolf pelt look. This is the one where you cut lots of little triangles into the putty and push them up.
Beorn laughs at his new coat... Hopefully that's a good sign he likes it.
I did take the opportunity to bulk up his hump while applying the putty. I will also add some to his forelegs and make them a bit more shaggy.
 It's all about patience with greenstuff, don't rush it and give the first stuff time to harden.

By the time he realized it was too late.

The funniest thing I've seen in weeks, this bought a tear to my eye.

Sorry, this never gets old.

The model I selected for Beorn looked great, he was big and furry, but didn't look fierce enough. I soon came up with a cunning plan to buy another toy I had seen and splice them together. Luckily the toys were the same scale and operation Beorn again was on.
Battle of the beasts.

Update: Beorn is now has thick fur to stop any orc blade. Hopefully when painted, he should look a bit more ragged and crazy.

He is now looking a look more the part...

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