Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Axes of the Dwarves are opon you!

Another day of fixing some old broken minis. These included some beautiful old Dwarf sculpts.
While I had the green stuff out and mixed up, I thought I'd convert a few more Orcs to add to the legions.
This great resin figure of an old looking Dwarf gets a snap sack for his marching supplies.
Above is a great old Dwarf sculpt. I have two of these from eBay and both have lost their weapon heads. It must be a very weak spot. However, it's always a good feeling when you get to mend and even improve the original.
This huge axe is from a Copplestone medieval pack from Forlorn Hope. It has a great look now as it's such a beast.

These Asgard spears are very fragile and tend to bend and get damaged. This are lovely figures though and have loads of character. So it's nice to arm these heavily armoured Dwarves with hand weapons. The one above gets a mattock.
Another damaged Spearman gets an elegant axe. I do love the look of this fancy weapon.

The furnaces are lit and the sounds of hammers ringing echo through the house. New weapons are selected and beaten into shape for their new masters.

More crude greenstuff sculpting, these may not win any sculpting contests, but they do give me enthusiasm to paint them and that is a good thing.

Fur is always an easy go to on an Orc. It's also useful for using up that last little bit of putty you don't know what to do with.

 Three broken Dwarves now battle ready again.


Kadrinazi said...

Nice looking lads, great to see how such minor fix makes awesome miniatures great again

James said...

Love that you're breathing new life into these old figures

Rob said...

Some lovely restoration and enhancement work - looking forward to seeing those Dwarves painted.