Saturday, January 25, 2025

Clone Wars Update.

The nice thing about this project is the speed at which units get painted. I do have a soft spot for 15mm Sci-Fi after being taken with the game 'Grunts' a few years ago 
Above are all the main types of droid infantry. The endless waves of B1 battle droids. Their heavy armoured B2 brothers with their wrist rockets. The nightmarish Droideka's with their repeating lasers and energy shields. Finally, the plodding Dwarf spider droids with their heavy canons.All of them programmed for one thing...war.
The ARC troopers are now finished. They are great little characters with their visors and grenade belts.
Spider droids have enhanced scanning to help them locate targets, looking at this picture, I can believe it!

If the ARCs do have a commander, this guy is it. He has positioned himself with two crack snipers. However, it looks like the droids have found him first.

A nice shot showing all the different troop types and their scale to each other.

 The droid army has a real nice varied look to it with all the different factions throwing in their respective armies.

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