Friday, February 07, 2025

More Orcs and Friends

Taking a break from tiny clones to finish up these grungy orcs.

 These have been sitting on the worktop for a couple of months and need to be finished. Amongst them are those recently acquired figures from Gremlin Miniatures.

The horde slowly grows. It's nice to just paint the odd one or two between other projects.

A large orc from Reaper miniatures, at that size he has to be a leader. As he is a massive brute, I have given him dark blue/black skin, a black Uruk of Mordor.
These two figures were ones who's spears broke off and so we're promoted to standard bearer.

I bought this wood Elf from Reaper Miniatures recently, but noticed he didn't have any dagger. I tried a couple of plastic and metal swords but they just looked wrong. 
Good old brush bristle knife looked just right, job done!
Update, The Silvan Elf is now in his woodland colours. I need about twenty four Elves to bring my Silvan force up to strength and this guy is the first.

Painting Elves is very relaxing and rewarding. No dirty colours here, just nice ink washes and subtle woodland tones.

The new dagger looks good now it has some detailing. Might just make all the difference when he runs out of arrows.
More evil Orcs crawl out from under a rock to join the growing horde. I used a dabbing technic to draw on the skull design. This worked well I thought and produced a crude, naive design, very Orcy.
He carries the broken bone on his shield so will go with the standard bearer of the same design.
 A silver Sharpie pen was used to add metal highlights to the rusty armour. It's also excellent for doing rivets and studs.
This strange hairy Orc makes for a good leader. A Ral Partha figure judging by the detail and styling. He's a good size too, able to lob off a few heads to bring his lads back under control.
It's always good to put some black around the mouth to act as dried blood and the like.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to find you back where you belong. lovely stuff.
