Friday, February 14, 2025

Orc Muster

I decided I had enough Orcs to start sorting them onto bases. These are a few that missed the big Hobbit battle deadline and were left unfinished. Well, now they are all painted and just need some stones and sand to finish them off.

This base was actually finished ready for the big Hobbit battle but was somehow over looked when it came to basing. As a new battle date is being set for another event, this time he and his friends will be ready!
This base was painted up to be an option for Bolg. I'm not sure where the big Orc comes from but he certainly looks the part. He is large and very well armoured.

These bases are sporting lots of standards, very useful for mixing into big units.
A new greenstuff helmet amongst the lead sculpts.

I'm really pleased with the plasticard blade results. Shaping a crude blade from plasticard then gluing it to a brush bristle really looks good. The join was hidden by wrapping cotton around the two pieces. It makes me think a unit of Orc pikemen armed with these weapons would look great. The plastic weapons would be very tough too and virtually impossible to break, very useful for wargames figures.

A real mix of old and new. Reaper, Grenadier, Oathmark and Chronicle. This latest batch is also includes a mass of old Gremlin Miniatures.


Quantrilltoy said...

That is a nice group of orcs, each with his own individuality.

caveadsum1471 said...

Great looking mix of orcs, they really benifit from not being uniform!
Best Iain