Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Dux Bellorum Saxons

 Remember these guys, well they finally made it to the flocking stage. Like the ECW forces, I based these as if on a rough field so hit them with the layers of brown flock. I was hoping the long green grass will make up for the lack of base detail. Although saying that, I did sprinkle a few pinches of rough sand onto the glued base before the flock, this did give it some stoney detail. This seemed to work well so next time I will add a little more.

I want my units in Dux Bellurom to be quite large so I increased the base size to a whopping 120x80mm. This should give enough room for nice dioramas and cavalry formations. I love this era and it’s nice to have burning away on the back burner.
 I still need to touch up the banner a remove the grass from the figures, but now they are done and can make room for others.