Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody, here's to the next one, cheers.


Christopher(aka Axebreaker) said...

Great Pic and Happy New Year to you as well!


Andrew said...

Where's the provost when you need him? Wellington wouldn't be pleased.

Paul´s Bods said...

Happy new year from me as well :-)

VolleyFireWargames said...

Not to be picky cuz I love your cartoons, but wheres the French one or a Pirate theme? All the best in the New Year. hmmmm maybe my English Brigade will be 'drunk" on the morrows battle. Inspired I am!!

Rob89 said...

Happy New Year!
You are keeping a very interesting blog. Continue this way!

Doc Smith said...

No doubt Wellington will be arranging a few floggings on the morrow! Happy New Year to you too mate - more strength to the Iron Mitten pen!


Gregory House said...

Is that a pillaged goose I see or just one that's lost its way? have a happy new year and don't forget the 'cut' for your old sergeant

Beccas said...

Happy New Year and bring on 2011.

BigRedBat said...

Happy New Year to Simon, and all!

The other Simon

Anonymous said...

All the best for 2011 Simon and hope to see you at a show sometime in 2011.

C'nor (Outermost_Toe) said...

I don't think they need the next one . They're drunk enough already :D!

Doug said...

Secundus, I discovered your (totally awesome) blog this year and picked up no small amount of good tips and tricks to save myself a lot of misery and ruined minis. Keep up the great work, the great figs and the great cartoons. I'm hoping to get a blog going in 2011

Tony said...

Happy New Year.

What a great illustration -one of your very best.


Gabriele Campbell said...

Happy New Year.

Those guys are worse than any Tacitean Germanic warrior could be. *grin*

Dutch said...

Good Lord, man. What is that tommy doing to the goose?

Grégory Privat said...

Bonne année )