Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dark Elves

A young Mengal Manhide pays a visit to a neighbouring settlement, within a month he will be it's new King. I have a real soft spot for the old pre-slotta Dark elves. They were designed by the perry's way back in 1984, but I didn't get around to collecting them until 1986, by which time they were all being re sculpted and suck on plastic bases. I managed to pick a couple up on eBay last month but they cost me dear. For some reason they remind me of my childhood more than any other figure range, which is odd because I only had a few.


  1. Agreed. I wish I'd never sold mine.

  2. Talk about a flood of memories. Fortunately I managed to hang on to roughly 95% of my D&D figures from my youth.

  3. Lovely! I am lucky enough to still have most of my Dark Elves from this range plus the old Mengil Manhide regiment. Great stuff.

  4. hey!
    What are these Dark Elves! looks very old school I love that! Dark with dark skins it looks better, like the drows of Drizzt Saga :)

  5. Steve Cooper4:47 pm

    I have a crossbow armed female from that set you are welcome to - I just need an address to post her to.
