Friday, August 09, 2013

Dark Elf Assassin

A Dark Elf assassin creeps closer to his prey, the enemy general.

Yes that's right, my head is still full of HotT battles and scenarios, to the point where it keeps me awake at night with ideas. I know it will be ages before I can start putting the armies together but it doesn't stop me from drawing them. My house move has been delayed for two weeks which is annoying because everything has come to a standstill. It's hard to sell a house when there's a Zing-zong battle fleet chewing up the spare room!

All my paints are now in storage together with my bases and most of my lead. So even If I wanted to paint I couldn't. However, my mind is still full of fantasy armies and battles and sometimes It spills out, hence the picture. Just a quick doodle on Photoshop but hell, I feel better for it. Now I can get on with some work.


  1. I hope things will settle down for you soon and get sorted.

  2. Good luck with the delayed move! We must play HoTT sometime...

  3. Great pic, sounds like your having fun??

  4. Lay off the ocular laser weaponry - it goes to your head - and stick with the lead basement. A mess that doesn't need a cleanup is unamerican. PS: Excited to see the wood carving is at hand.
