Thursday, August 22, 2013

House News

Well, the move has gone well and lead mountain has been moved! Although I'm still drawing and sketching ideas (mostly fancy at the moment for HotT), It will be some time before I can post anything, due to my home computer and scanner being in bits scattered across the universe.

 The last few posts have been from my work computer. It's also quite frustrating trying to think about painting, knowing I have months of house work a head of me before I can even think about picking up a brush. However at least now I have a hobby room for all of my muck and mess. I will post pictures when I am up and running again. See you soon, Secundus.


  1. looking forward to seeing pictures of the new man-cave

  2. Glad the move went well, good luck over the next few months, will be looking forward to your next posts.

    Best Regards


  3. Good that you finally get there, use painting time as a reward for doing jobs :-)


  4. Don't be a stranger, Secundus!
