Thursday, January 30, 2025

Advanced Attack Tank (AAT)

The Sepretist heavy armour has arrived just in time to counter those bloody handed Jedi 
The AAT hovers into place to lay down some covering fire.

As I was constantly referring to a reference book for the colours and details, I thought it wise to complete one fully. This completed model will then be used as a guide for the others.
One of the main features of these tanks is the emense carbon scoring from the missile launchers.
There is also a subtle colour change on some of the rear panelling, This took a little paint mixing to get right.

I went around the tank with a lead pencil just picking out worn edges and panels. This tank was quite easy to paint. I started with a spray of Tamiya dark yellow. Zandri dust from GW was then used to dry brush it to bring out the panels. On top of this, I added a few washes of browns to weather it up.

The carbon scoring was done with a brush so that was a nice easy step  I also used a sponge to add from metal chipping with a silver paint.

The repulser lift vehicle out manoeuvres the slower walker. Its nice to see these two models together fully painted.


Again, the Battlefront game really helped get the detailing right on this model. Having such amazing graphics that can be rotated is a god send for a painter.

The other great news is that most vehicles from the Clones wars are on the game. This will be very handy for the speeders and other vehicles too.

Update: Three Advanced Attack Tanks hover into position.

I've given them a coat of Kleer floor varnish to give them a metal appearance.
I'll go over the smoke streaks with some Tamiya weathering soot, this will take away the gloss.

The picture above is the one I've used for reference.
It was very useful for spotting all the details like the rust streaks and battle damage.

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