Friday, January 31, 2025

Jon Hodgson background books

 Well what a great Friday for getting stuff in the mail...these two beautiful books turned up.

 I first saw these a couple of years ago used by James Morris to photograph his Middle Earth figures. I decided to follow suit and order a starter bundle.

As I was also painting up Sci-Fi figures I went for the Sci-Fi backgrounds too.

These are just quickly put together pictures with what I had on the table. However, even these quick snaps show how a good backdrop can make all the difference.
Here is the soldier I painted with my son as a learning project, now he's a Colonial Marines fighting xenomorphs.

It's always best to use some scenery as well with your figures to help blend them it. I can't wait to do some arty stuff with these books. My ancient Irish Fomorians spring to mind...
Even my Transformers got in on the act, showing a more peaceful age of Cybertron.
Til all are one.

I actually messed up big time when ordering these books. 

When I first became aware of them they were a kickstarter in 2023. I placed an order for this bundle but what I actually ordered was a license to use the backgrounds commercially. Knowing Kickstarters can take ages to arrive, I sat and waited for my phantom Kickstarter for a couple of years. After seeing them for sale on a web shop I contacted Jon. After some detective work the whole dyslexic tangle was unravelled and Jon kindly sent the actual books to me at home. A very nice man indeed. So my wait for these books has been a very long one but definitely one worth waiting for.

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