Saturday, March 08, 2025

Clone Wars Project

The crashed Republic ship is now finished. I added some carbon scoring with the Tamiya weathering kit. I also painted some magic 'shifter' paint on the view ports so the colour hue changed from different angles. Quite nice I thought for a polarised view port.

Droid command, a Super tactical droid briefs his subordinate.

A Super battle droid stands guard.
Super tactical droid and Tactical droid.

I was really impressed with little sculpts, the detail is very good for such a small printed figure.
I also finished off two more bases of Clones today, I just kept them in their white armour without any unit colour scheme. These can be used as 'shinys' or green units. Keeping them white and more generic lends them to many more theatres of war.
It's nice to see the Clone against the Republic ship.

The polarised view port.
This would make a great objective for a game, two Tactical droids in a downed ship.

 Next up...basing.

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