Finally!!!! I've finished some more Brits after being snowed under for two months. I feels sooo good to be painting again I can't begin to tell you. I think It must be good for the soul. Anyway, here they are ready for action, finished!

I like these bigger bases as Its gives me a chance to create little dioramas. Bolt-action Miniatures produce a wealth of ammo boxes and spare rifles etc to really help me get creative with them . I added bits of broken balsa wood to act as Debris and gave one of the Vickers team some added protection in the way of sand bags, these were sculpted from 'Green stuff'.
Great Vickers Teams, & like the sand bags! will do similar thing with some British WW1 /ANZAC's machine gun teams over the next few weeks, the diorama bases finish the figures off very nicely & gives them character
Thanks, sorry about the blurry photos, I was under fire at the time.
You should check out Bolt action for extras to spice up your base.
Love the Vickers! V. nice.
Vickers teams! :D Very nice. Very very nice.
Well done Si. thanks.
"Under fire" indeed. heheh.
Lets hope you put them to good use.
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