Not long to go now with just a few more highlights and the white straps on the backpack to go. I decided to paint a few Shako covers in linen to add some colour variety to the unit. These are Front Rank figures and are mostly the early French range. I prefer these sculptures to the later post 1812 ones, they are just better done. They must have been a later project as I think he must of improved along the way. They will fit in fine for my Waterloo army so I'm not too bothered and I do like the variety.
They're really shaping up nicely!
Nice shako covers. They can be difficult to get right and you have.
Looking good. I'm jealous; I want to paint something that isn't ancient. :-(
I'm a great fan of Front Rank, and I really like the pre-1812 range. These voltigeurs are great, aren't they?
FR do seem to have redone their Bardin-uniformed French infantry at some point though, which are much better than their first Napoleonic releases.
Nice work- look forward to seeing more.
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