However, this all changed when I ventured online to play, as I was slaughtered by fourteen year old boys with attitude and then T-bagged for my trouble. "Let's work together" I added only to be called 'GAY' by some brat who'd been hard wired into the actual system. So I bowed politely and got the f*ck out of there. Best leave them to it, I thought as I put on my smoking jacket and slippers and filled another pipe.
Then I went and kicked their arses at Halo instead!
Oh the joys of online gaming!
Unfamiliar with the term in that context, but not certain I even want to know what "death by t-bagging" even means...
Children can be cruel sometimes. Never mind.
I've tried COD online and it took me ages to get to anything like competent. The day I killed more than I was killed was a happy day.
Online gaming left me a little concerned about the 'social' abilities of folks online.
I did however enjoy a few weeks of playing with army buddies; their complete understanding of team work (including one amateur gamer, me) merrily slaughtered and dominated each evening we played. Earl Grey or Green?
In a way it proved out the idea of hanging out with folks whom understand and like doing something in a similar fashion. eg. I follow your blog as I'm a cartoonist too ;)
ahhh the joys of dealing with children, great picture thanks for sharing.
Had a similar real world experience in a Games Workshop. I only wanted to buy some Ink Wash but had to battle my way towards the lone member of staff through a sea of very annoying pre-pubescent kids. By the time the staff member noticed me I'd received so much abuse I told the guy I couldn't be bothered and left the store.
I know I'm rapidly becoming an old fart but seriously, kids were never that bad in my day!
Yeah, online kids killed Warhammer Online for me. I mean, c'mon, I was logged into a Roleplay server and was killed by a High-elf named "phil". When I was trying to roleplay they thought I was an NPC and tried to either kill me or get quests from me.
Heh *evil chuckle* Way to go :-)
Also - Lee - it's one of the many reasons I avoid GW like the plague, these days - instead I visit Orcs Nest when I want a gaming fix :-D - I'm worried that I'd walk in, and then the telly news'd be broadcasting a single-shop slaughter and a deranged bloke looking oddly like me, frothing at the mouth about crap manners from kids, being bodily carried to the black maria ;-)
Orcs Nest, I was there just the other day. The last of it's kind...
Great place!
Ha ha! Reminds me of a time I played Warhammer Fantasy in a small local game store tournament. I got paired with a kid who was about 11 years old and he trashed me!
Love your site by the way. Artwork always gives me a good chuckle. Thanks!
Yes remember OLD AGE and TREACHERY will beat youth and talent - eventually / by the way secundus I posted a few of your cartooon sto my blog and have an open question about them - cause i know you said in the past you dont do personal requests?
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