Friday, March 21, 2025

Clone Wars Supply Dumps



These are meant for 28mm figures, however they still make great supply crates for 15mm. They are Star Wars designs so fit in perfectly.

I messed around with spare bits and bobs to add clutter and detail. It should all tie together when painted.

15mm detailing was added to bring the scale down and tie it in with the figures.

Droids break through into the compound.
These super glue lids make great shield generators and I even have clear domes to go over these.

Toy robots were dug out of the sand pit to be converted into machinery.

This is a new product for me, I wasn't quite sure if I'd ever use it. 
However, this Star Wars project is great for trying out new ideas. The chain makes for fantastic cabling running across the ground. I had to wait until the base was flocked though before adding them.
My Star Wars basing method. Base with Arid earth first, then with the base still wet with the PVA, give it a sprinkle of the Mars red sand. The result is a nice mix of the two, 

Medical supplies 
Mobile workshop

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