However, I have been stopped in my tracks by the big basing question. On what size base do I put them. Having thousands of old ACW rule books kicking around from the time I decided to write my own, I have gathered that 40mm by 40mm comes out on top for the most popular games.
I like the idea of putting causalities on my stands and having at least five figures to a base, inspired by the pictures in the old Fire and Fury rule set.
Of course this led me to start looking at larger 60x40mm bases.
I could get a lovely looking base going on with that much room to play around with, my only problem was would that effect the game play? Would huge bases make a firing line just too long to game with?
Less bases was the answer, but that would effect the formation of the unit with less stands to arrange etc. Anyway you can see the problem and being an old perfectionist it has been on my mind for most of the week.
I think although I like the idea of putting loads of character into the bases I will go back to 40x40mm bases but vary them with figure numbers and causalities. This way I will still keep the multiple bases for unit formations and vary the look of units etc.
I need to get out more!
Never based any figs in relation to any rules, just what looks best.
As long as all sides are based that way, then who gives a flying f--k about sizes of bases.
I hear ya paul, i hear ya.
I've went with 40x40mm for my ACW in 28mm as it just seems the most flexible. I do add casualties to my bases, but count them as "live" miniatures for the purpose of numbers when applicable.
Blame be the globalisation, but here in Spain I also have the same problem.... So, recently I started collecting 28mm Napos and decided to base individually on 20x20 mm squares with a magnet tape underneath. We're currently playing Lasalle, therefore I cut some 40x40 sabots (4 figures per unit, 4 sabots per battalion)... if we eventually move to another rules set, I'll do new sabots to comply with the new measures.
I'm afraid so mate.
Back to ACW at last eh? I knew you would eventually. So, we finally come full circle.
As Paul says, if both sides are the same it matters not. FWIW mine are all still based for FnF.
True enough about both sides being based the same, but regimental Fire and Fury can give some challenges if you decide to base your elements in two ranks - line vs extended line.
I base mine in two ranks ('cos it looks better) and have come up with my own "formation" to show extended line...
I´ve benn told off about my basing recently so I can´t comment :-D
Benn told off?? Been told off :-D
Whose this chap Benn?
I rebased my new unit yesterday to 40mm square bases. case solved
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