Also I've managed to complete a unit of Jewish Slingers for my Eastern Roman army which is another weight off my mind.
I still have quite a few units to do before the new armies for COE are complete, all good fun though. In the meantime, here's an unlucky Roman guard on the Rhine.
Great pic, one of your best.
Brilliant! Looks like a parody of “300”! Hoho!
By the way, I’ve been following your blog for the past month, I love your art & it’s inspiring me; so, would you mind if I post (in DeviantArt) a sketch of an Ironside I made, copying your
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-icQqFBSQ6Ok/TWAzeCQVimI/AAAAAAAAFC0/fUm0flwcYyo/s1600/Iron_side.jpg ?
I would be honored to use you as a reference!
Keep on the great work!
Otto van Lemonocle
No usre go a head, I don't mind at all. It's good to share.
Blimey, did he just take an RPG hit? ;-)
Either that or his in a Manga Anime.
Very cool - as usual.
It was almost ready, so there you go:
Thanks & keep sketching!
Otto van Lemonocle
Cool, I like the subtle change in your style
Thatsa lotta Roman tomato sauce signore!
Great artwork - very reminiscent of '300' (and if you liked that you'll love 'Spartacus Vengeance' out in January next year!)
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