I have been rather struck by Tim's miniature war gaming blog and the way he has based his figures for HotT (Hordes of the Things).
I've never really been a huge fan of DBA, coming from the Warhammer school of throwing masses of dice.
Is HotT any good and does anybody know of any other good rules out there. I have to admit I haven't really looked at any Fantasy rules for years.
I'm getting kind of hooked on the idea of painting up my ancient dark Elf figures and basing them on a 60x40 bases. These 60 x 40 bases would be companies. I like the look of HotT but not so keen on all the different sized bases, I would probably take a leaf out of Tim's book and mount all my figures on the same size base.
The rules I could tweak.
A friend of mine is a big fan of the GW Lotr rule set but I think I would rather collect the actual Lotr figures for that If I went down that route.
Skirmish or Large scale battle-type game?
I think large scale for me. I like the idea of multiple figures on bases.
I no the bots from the "Song of Blades and Heroes" are working on one. My own group has used "Commands and Colrs/Battle Lore" and some of my own rules. Never been a HOTT fan either.
ONe other solution that I haven't tried yet but am excited to try is the "Hail Caesar" variant for Fantasy. I joined the Yahoo Group. Might be what you're looking for.
GW published a large battle variant for their LOTR line called War of the Ring. I bought a copy and keep wanting to explore it. It certainly covers the multiple figures on bases aspect that you want.
I've never played HOTT so I can't comment on that.
Personally I love skirmish sized battles. I would recommend WARMACHINE (though its more “steampunk then fantasy) it can be played with just a few figures (basically a wizard and 2 or 3 robots) or if you want numbers can you can field units for larger games. Also the starter sets come with a no nonsense rules sheet to get you started.
HoTT is quite a giggle!
BTW I have some 30 year old Citadel fantasy miniatures for sale on e-bay at present (99p each) which you might be interested in. Fill yer boots!
Just search for Citadel pre-slotta 1980's...
If you're wanting large element bases, and have to admit- I'm considering going that way myself: i think you can accomplish a lot more interesting mini-dioramas for units than the warhammer style of masses of individual based minis- then there are a couple suggestions I have:
1. Fantasy Impetus. Impetus is a historical game with element bases, different sized bases depending on troop quality and if skirmishers. There is a project to make a fantasy version out there- google search it. Also, the blog Geektactica has done some with it, it looks promising!
2. Fantasy Rules! by Chipco. Similar to HotT with same size square unit bases for everything. Lots more army choices and unit choices, and just a better , imo, interpretation of this type of game. The 'morale clock' is a nice feature.
3. Kings of War by Mantic Games. Since units don't lose individuals as wounds like warhammer, there is no reason why the units couldn't be built as large element bases, or made up of smaller group bases, to keep it flexible for other systems.
For skirmish, Songs of Blades and Heroes is nice, also I've been thinking of just playing SAGA with fantasy miniatures. Creating specific battle boards later if need be. If you don't want skirmish individual bases, I think Saga could work fine with basing minis 4 to a base, then hearthguard would be 1 base of troops, warriors 2 and levy 3, just use counters to mark 'wounds' off the element bases. Could work fine.
HoTT is great fun Iron Mitten, you really should base up a pair of armies for it.
If you every fancy a game, I have several fantasy armies, including a whole army of nekkid lady Wood Elves, who would be highly suitable opponents for your Dark Elves...
WOTR is good.
HOTT is ok but lacks depth and flavour for fantasy as a period.
The Hail Caesar fantasy group is called Hail Sauron and is well worth joining.
And if course Warhammer is a perfectly playable game and you have a choice of editions for the type of game you want (I've gone back to 2nd but thought 7th was ok)
I'd reccomend Impetus. It's fast and easy to learn.
There are no rules on the number of figs for each base and you can download a free version too (Basic Impetus), so you can test out if it's the ruleset for you before purcasing it.
There is an expansion named "Fantasy Impetus" that allow you to add your own troops to the game (it's histoical based).
Here's another possibility, from an AD&D blog:
Try Reaper's Warlord.
It's not a mainstream game but kicks all them. It's also vainilla enough to use any miniature you like.
Just $20, give it a try.
HOTT is free from here:
...so give it a go at your leisure... if you fancy a bigger game just multiply the number of bases and play with two or three armies a side, and increase the table size... easy...
The LotR ruleset is very good, our groups adapted them several times, for Vikings, Samurai, FIW and even zombies, give them a go!!
Wow thanks guys I'm almost spoilt for choice now. Many thanks!
If you like big battles, give 'Hail Sauron' a whirl... as Steve suggested above...here's the link:
Several army lists available now, and more welcome...
If you like the basing for HOTT but want them all the same go for chipcos fantasy rules. It's a goods blast and all the base sizes are 60x60
Also comes as a PDF so easy enough to download and read to see what you think
Cheers steve
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