Will the large numbers of Cavalry within the Army of Gaul out manoeuvre the German Legions for Tullus, or will the wolf-clad Germans turn the flanks of the Gauls, winning another victory for Secundus? Let the dice fly high!

The veteran General Dewolfus, leads the Army of the Rhine into battle in the name of the greedy tyrant, Secundus.

Meanwhile, the young charismatic General, M.Plinius Fulvius leads the Army of Gaul in the name of the Spanish soldier General, Tullus.
So what was the outcome? Oh the suspense...
Gimme $10 on Dewolfus.
You'll have to wait for the battle report....
Really looking forward to the full report! Great cartoons so far, as usual. :-)
That Fulvius looks like a dangerous bastard. Not sure to which side though.
The battle was a good days fun and I will write It up once I have drawn the Illustrations.
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