Sunday, August 27, 2023

Dixon Regiment Box

I thought it would be interesting to open up a Regiment Box from Dixon Miniatures to see exactly what you get. I was very pleasently surprised to see the number of different poses within the 24 man unit.

There are some same pose figures but all have different heads which really adds variety. I have to say, I do like the old school tissue paper that comes in the little square boxes. It makes the contents seem quite precious.

Way back in 1998, I ordered a Dixon ACW army from the Guard room in Dunstable. The 24 man regiments in the army were made up of a command group with the infantry being only two poses. They did have the various heads but looked very limited in line. It's good to see these new regiments have a much better variety to them. This one is obviously a Confederate unit and has a nice mix of flock and shell jackets. I'm very tempted to keep all this unit together when basing, we'll see...

 The other box is a Federal unit.

So the Federal charging box doesn't seem to have as much variety in poses. However, the head poses and equipment does make up for that. I like the fact that a few slouch hats have been added to give some variety to the kepis.
 These boxes were bought off eBay so this box may have been added to. What I thought was an officer, turned out to be a trooper on a horse. The horse isn't from Dixon and looks like a Mark Copplestone sculpt.
I think the infantry is legit as they number 24. So an extra mounted trooper is a nice bonus.

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