Sunday, September 01, 2024

Meeting Mr Surfacer

I thought it was time to break out Mr Surfacer. Not having worked with him before, a few tests were in order. I had seen it used on a model building video on YouTube and knew it was good for a heavy armour effect.

I had originally bought it to use on my heavy walker pictured here. My Aliens APC was so marked by the printer that I thought I might try some to smooth of the hull.

After messing around trying it on the walker first, I found the best way is to stipple it on to produce that heavy armour look. By this point the brush had given up the ghost and made a good stippling tool.

As it goes on quite think, little scratches and dents can be added in the armour. These should look great when painted and dry brushed.
I had first tried to sand it down but this was the wrong approach for this mech. As I mentioned above, stippling gave a really good tank armour effect.
I did make some custom tools out of nail files.
A close up of the stippled tank armour, perfect for this old walker.
This top view shows a thick coat of Mr Surface on the APC. When this is dry, I will sand and smooth it flat. The printed ridges are now gone.
On opening the bottle I was covered in a nuclear goo.
This stuff is toxic and will destroy any brush that touches it. It also stinks to high heaven so be careful.

 I added two coats onto the roof of the APC as one was not enough. You must be patient and give it enough time to dry, before trying to sand it down. This I struggled to do.

Update: After a day's wait, I gave the vehicle a blast with a black rattle can.
I've decided to make this APC my own by adding lots of little extras. I'm even thinking of giving it a desert colour scheme to go with my Desert war idea. This is frying my OCD though to bits!
I did play with the idea of getting a couple of these and doing two colour schemes, however, the hassle getting to this point has put me off the idea. So with just one to paint, what's it going to be... original film or desert camo.
I added an extra fuel can, I plan to stack this vehicle with cargo and give it a real campaign look.

I've added lots of tiny details with plasticard. These should catch the eye.

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