The last bases of Voltigeurs are finally finished. As I have a bit more space on these skirmish bases, I have gone to town with grass tufts and bushes.

Under the macro lense these guys look a little rough around the edges, but they look good enough with the naked eye.
Do you never sleep!
They look fantastic! Rough around the edges indeed!
Mate! They look terrific - the guy in the pokalem in particular - nice job painting the horn symbol. 'They look a little rough around the edges' - that's the problem with macro photography - its no reflection on the artist.
Have a look at my Victrix Italians if you want rough - you're right when you say they look better to the naked eye.
It's worth remembering these are only 25-28mm high - the detail on your finished skirmishers is great!
The Iron Mitten strikes again!
Meant to say - you did a terrific job on the basing - its those touches that make good figures really stand out.
I wish, on my best painting day, I could come close to approximating your "rough around the edges". Great job!
Very nice job. They look awesome. I wish I had some artistic ability.
They look great. Wow - I noticed the hunting horn on the cap too. Very impressive brush strokes. For the coattails on my Voltigeurs, I just dabbed some yellow paint :)! Dean
" Under the macro lense these guys look a little rough around the edges, but they look good enough with the naked eye."
Man, you've got that right! It's amazing how close-up photos disparage one's paint work. Try ti sometime on 15mm troops! BUT, you're photo work is always great and entertaining.
Great work!! I admire your dedication, I am unable to paint napoleonics for me, they take too long to paint.
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