I'm feeling pretty bad at the moment after spending loads on a new Cabinet. My old one is getting so full the different eras are begining to fight for control, It's not good. Any how, there I was, walking along in Milton Keynes when I saw the most beautiful display case I had ever seen. Also, being crap at DIY, I was delighted to see it came ready asembled. Well It was my Birthday on the 9th and things just made sense, one thing lead to another and It arrives on Saturday. I won't regret It for it is a thing of true beauty...i just feel a little sick at the moment, that's all.
It has a light inside.
Cheer up mate! We all get a little green when forking out cash - I know I do. In no time at all you'll be looking at your cabinet like an old piece of furniture that has always been there and won't give two hoots about the price. Besides your miniatures deserve it! Love the pic by the way.
Of course we all will be hoping for a great photo of the extended family in their new home! Enjoy!
You're worth it ;)
I cringe every time I look at some of the stuff I see on line that I end up wanting/buying, because I am here in the states and I pay 2x what you pay in the UK as most of the best miniatures are made there, but I still open the wallet as I am cringing...lol. I hope some day to maybe move to the UK. I guess it would depend if the UK needs another IT guy... I can dream can't I?
Think is has light inside... and the bad feelings will run away... until you buy more lead miniatures, hahaha
I wish I could find a couple of cases I like. My figures are currently stored in plastic bins in a closet. I'd much rather have them out where I could enjoy them more.
Great work...So amazing!
custom bedroom furniture
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