I still have a few units of French to finish, but the reward for all those Frenchies will be the long awaited British forces.
I have kept them to look forward to and consider them the proverbial cherry on the Napoleonic cake. However, even more highly prized than the ranks of red coats; will be the small companies of green jacketed Riflemen, It's enough to make your mouth water...I need to get out more.

I like the French in Russia and the British everywhere else for Naps.My favorite are riflemen and highlanders.
I really like the British army too - I have one line infantry unit in stovepipe shakos and white trousers, but in the future I'll try to built units that may be used for Waterloo too. Something for the Cuirassiers to charge :)!
Great caricatures - look forward to seeing the figures. Surely these would generate a lot of interest in the UK - and across the Atlantic methinks? You are as talented with the pen as with the brush sir!
Everybody likes a good rifleman. The Sharpes series has taught us that.
Great art work, and I just know those Brits are going to be something special. Are you planning metal figures or Perry plastics? I have to say the latter are really very good, they just lack that 'heavy metal' appeal once finished if you know what I mean!
All the best,
OMG, you should use some needatite and give one of your greenjackets a mullet.
Longtime follower, first time commenter here.
Love the cartoons
Your talent is amazing.
I think the Rifleman is one of your best. The best of a great bunch.
If you ever think about selling one of the originals, contact me. I'd love to own one.
I really like this one...
custom bedroom furniture
have you ever read any Bernard Cornwell books? He writes about the Peninsular War using one of the 95th rifles as the central character. He also writes about the american civil war, the reign of Alfred the Great and even the hundred years war. I reay like your drawing of the rifle officer and his sergeant!
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