This horn blower turned out quite nice, his horn arm is from a Gripping Beast Dark Age warriors box set, but looks the part on this dwarf. I drew some designs on it with a detailing pen.

I am quite pleased how these casualties turned out. I bought a pack of resin Dwarf casualties off of eBay. They are quite small and maybe meant for GW gaming. However, being resin they were quite brittle and could be snipped with the cutters easily. I took off the heads and replaced them with Oathmark plastic heads, this brought them into scale with the others.
I enjoyed making this axe holder, simple to do but quite rewarding when you get to paint it.
Along with the Dwarf casualties, I ordered a pack of orcs too. These are a good size and fit in straight away without any tweaking. These will be added to the bases to help give the impression of a hard victory.
More converted Oathmark Dwarves, these have hammers from GW knights. It was these poses that gave me the idea to do a cheering base.
The true face of war.
An old Citadel Dwarf casualty.
I found my pot of GW blood the other day, I’ve been waiting to use it for years. The results are good and very realistic. I tried to be really sparing with it but things happen.
Another converted guy with a GW knight’s hammer. I like the look of him, he looks like he means business and that hammer has seen some action. I cut notches into it with a knife to give it a well used look. The Dwarf has probably given it a name...
This figure is a GW sculpt. I liked the horn so had to cover his musket with a green stuff cloak.
Nice to see the Dwarves getting some love again!
Great stuff, good idea re the head swaps
Great conversions - respect!
I like the horn with pattern a lot
Looking absolutely super! I love that old GW casualty.
Splendid looking dwarves, I like the musicians and the hammers!
Best Iain
I am always amazed at your conversions and imagination. By the way, I will steal a good idea in a heartbeat - I'll give credit for it but still steal it! Thanks for some great ideas.
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