Friday, August 09, 2024

Back to the Future Wars

I've popped back to the future wars project with a need to paint some camouflage. After buying the handy AK book I thought I would get a couple of trooper packs from North star.

The Mark Copplestone figures are great, with hardly any flash on them. They also scale very well with my other figures for the Desert war project.
I bought a pack of troopers with a pack of specialists. It was great to see a sniper in this last set.

A Taliban warrior from the Assault group is a perfect fit with the new Assault troopers.
The figures work out about £1.70 which is pretty good.
It was a chance purchase on eBay that started this project off again. This great figure tied in with my futuristic insurgents idea. After a long web search, I tracked them down to the Assault group's Modern range. They are Taliban fighters and will help swell the ranks of my existing forces.

The Wargames Atlantic marine scales well with the Copplestone ones.

A future Desert fighter, judging by the style I think they are sculpted by the same guy who did the Assault group miniatures. This is great, as it means both ranges will merge seemingly.
A squad leader and an insurgent. After making all the Desert terrain it feels good to be doing a little more on the project. Xenos Rampant has come along too since I was last painting for this future war.
Update: Just trying a couple of tests to get the best Desert Marine scheme.
I changed the camo on this guy and he looks better for it. There's no mistaking, he definitely gives off Marine vibes.
The next test was a Desert tan look. I had to fight to keep myself from painting the armour green. My only worry is it might give off more of a Africa Corps look than Marine.

The goggles were washed in Tamiya clear red and effect was perfect.

Update: Here are two packs of Taliban from Assault Miniatures. They are a great fit in both style and scale. They are perfect for bulking out the Desert fighters. They will be classed as veterans in their stats.

They fit in perfectly with the Copplestone sculpts.
They also merge with the near future Desert fighter from Skytrex. 


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