Saturday, August 17, 2024

Desert War

I found some cheap 3D printed desert houses on eBay which looked really good. They arrived today and I was very pleased.

I had thought of making some more Adobe buildings, but these little prints had it all. They were already textured so no need to plaster any foam build.

I did add some extra bits to create more detail. A drink lid made for a good air conditioning unit. I also adding some grit to the roofs and some straw.
The new painted troopers sweep the area.

I also purchased some desert walls, these are a must have terrain piece for street fighting.
The models were sprayed brown as an undercoat.

Freedom fighters keep a wary eye on the patrol.

The desert fighters bring out the heavy weapon to even the odds.

 Update: I decided to be brave and tweak the armour colour. Having the armour camouflaged was stopping it looks like metal armour, so I gave it an a single colour.bI off set this plain scheme by adding scratches and wear to the metal.

It may not look as useful but it does look a lot more sci-fi. It also ties it into the Colonial Marines a lot more

New and old.

The first brave test's all his fault.

I could of gone for a more realistic sand colour, however the boldness of this yellow does lean towards a futuristic look.

Update: So still tweaking the test model to perfect the best result. After watching some Colonial Marines armour videos on YouTube, I gave my suits a lick of gloss varnish.
This will help them stand out from the uniform underneath and make them pop a bit more.

The goggles also look better with a bit of gloss varnish.

I've decided to paint the helmet camera in a different colour too, just adds a bit more detail.

I think the shiny armour adds to the futuristic look, especially with the leg armour.
This figure is a Mark Copplestone sculpt from Forlorn Hope Miniatures. This older range is almost identical to the ones on his own website. I imagine he sculpted these ones first, then refined them for his company years later. They are a tiny bit smaller but are equipped almost the same. I have mounted mine on a layer of MDF to raise their height slightly. This ties both ranges together better. Not all the old sculpts need this, some are just fine as they are.

A viewer asked what paint I'm using for the armour, It's Zameri Desert from GW. Hopefully you can still get it and they haven't remixed all their paint range. It's more of a yellow ochre really so that is always an option.
Once I have painted the base coat, I highlight it slightly,  just to add some wear and tear. The black chipping on the edges help too. The last stage is to break out the pencil and add some metal scratches and edging . Hope this helps.


James said...

nice buildings and figures

Lasgunpacker said...

the gloss, yellow, and the nicks and scratches really make that armor look outstanding.

airbornegrove26 said...

I really like the yellow! What color did you use?

Mr Ballista said...

Those are fine buildings, no doubt, and the Copplestone Future Wars figures are gems like all his stuff. But what that desert town is really crying out for is to be fought over by the LRDG and Afrika Corps, IMO.....