Saturday, July 26, 2008
Pleaderdocarex of the Marcomanni (Campaign 100)

Secundus prepares for battle (Campaign 99)

Secundus, however, sent word to Flaccus to raise new troops by way of the tribes in the surrounding area, as he was too far away to assist him. Flaccus would have to look to Barbarian help on the fields of Dalmatia.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Fighting in the Ranks ( Campaign 98)
Alanicus receives news from Terentius of the size of the Secundian force in Dalmatia. Alanicus is over joyed and spurs Terentius on to attack Flaccus at once.

His joy is short lived as another report of in-fighting is reported from the Army of Anatolia. The many factions that are being brought together to make the Army are at each others throats again. Alanicus's threats have gone unheeded, for the first time in a ages, Alanicus is speechless.
His mood is lightened by another report from Arabia excepting his huge bribe and joining the cause. The Anotolians finally stop fighting when their ring leaders are assassinated by Alanician agents and piece is restored to the ranks.

His joy is short lived as another report of in-fighting is reported from the Army of Anatolia. The many factions that are being brought together to make the Army are at each others throats again. Alanicus's threats have gone unheeded, for the first time in a ages, Alanicus is speechless.
His mood is lightened by another report from Arabia excepting his huge bribe and joining the cause. The Anotolians finally stop fighting when their ring leaders are assassinated by Alanician agents and piece is restored to the ranks.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Campaign Map

Down in Africa, a huge Tullician force threatens the tiny vexiliation commanded by Alanicus himself.
Meanwhile a battle looms in Dalmatia between the massive Army of Thrace and a much smaller force under the 'hit and run' hero, Flaccus.
Secundus has taken his Army of Britannia back to Rome to secure the city after his land grab exercise, but still finds himself caught between armies approaching from the West and the East.
All eyes look toward Dalmatia with the coming of the sun.
Alanicus's Armies Move on Dalmatia (Campaign 97)

Alanicus, still seeing to the defences of Egypt was livid when he heard the news that his own 'first' Army had started to march without his orders. The move west wasn't in his five year plan and could knock everything out of balance. Alanicus sent more than one messenger to Terentius but it was too late. Alanicus warned Terentius that he had better win Dalmatia or his head would roll! Terentius was more than confident as he rode behind the full might of the Thracian Legions that he would not let Alanicus down.

Secundus Tries Again (Campaign 96)

Secundus although being pig headed is no fool, realizing that he left Rome wide open to Tullus in order to take Pannonia, he quickly doubles back to secure the capital. The Generals sigh a breath of relief that their advice has been taken, all except Flaccus that is. He still longs to have a seperate command and begs Secundus for a field army of his own. Secundus, sickened by the rise of popularity and ambition in this powerful General decides to rid himself of this thorn in his career, once and for all.
General Flaccus is told to take what remains of the garrisons in Pannonia and march them south to take Dalmatia.
Flaccus knows what this means, for the Pannonian Legions are at half strength, but the brave, ambitious General does not argue and takes the command. Secundus is surprised at first then a little suspicious, If he returns from that country alive, he is welcome to the throne, jokes Secundus.

So it is that General T. Flaccus heads south with a small force in order to further the Sucundian cause. War is on the wind.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Cabinet is getting full
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
German officers
German Platoon Finished

Sunday, July 06, 2008
Creating the Army of Syria

The III Gallica Legion and the I Thracian Horse were to be supported by a unit of unarmoured archers, a unit of horse archers and two units of Slingers. The solid formation of the Legion will be flanked by two very flexible wings of missile troops. It will be interesting to see how this 'hit and fade' army stands up to a Western one.
Above can be seen the troops that will make the Syrian Army.
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