Not being one to follow the chat forums, I am always the last to know everything, so It was with concern that I found out last night that Rob Broom had been
axed by GW. After years of dedication to the Warhammer Historical scene, he has been fired and replaced by Forge World, a Sub-company of GW who make resin models. So there you go....slightly worrying news to my mind about the future of WAB there.
I suppose It's fair to say that with all the recent competition in the market lately, the pressure has been on to get results. The Osprey backed 'Fields of Glory' must have sent shock waves through the ranks at GW with its glossy photos and Angus McBride illustrations. Even I, a great WAB supporter have wondered at their recent out put of Pirates, Cowboys and now Tall ships from Warhammer Historical in favour of the much needed support for the existing game. Maybe this was the early warning signs of the Gw take over, who have an M.O of rewriting their supplements and rules every four years. Pushing new titles and forgetting old ones.
Another reason I am a little concerned with the news, is that Rob did give his supplements out to enthusiasts of the periods concerned and although they may of taken a little longer to produce, the end result was usually one of quality. Now that GW have taken WAB back and given it to a sculpting sub-company, what will be the end result. I dare say we will see a lot more publications to rival the dreaded wolf at the door, 'Fields of Glory', but will they be all glossy photos and no substance? To quote a friend " They may know their Space marine from their Squat, but know squat about their history!!!"
I just hope that this doesn't effect the supplements that are in production at the moment like the Successor's and the new long awaited Roman supplements. I guess we will have and wait and see.
In the mean time, Good luck to you Rob and thank you for all your hard work, don't let the B@%tards grind you down!
(Above picture) 'Ugzod the Axeman' is now available from Games Workshop for £8.95.