The entire deck of Senate playing pieces. As they are they work very well but there is room to add other pieces if needed. If the voting ends in a draw with equal votes for two options, then the players each take another two tablets from the bag and add them to the result. This way the voting can go on for another two or three rounds, these long debates equal the Senate voting for days on a course of action. It's always good when they go on for ages, you know it was a hard fought decision then when the final tally is counted.

Another question: is there only one voting round per game turn?
If so, when in the turn does it take place?
Also, supposing that the vote is such that the Senate's army is ordered to move somewhere, would it not march until the next game turn?
The Senate gets to vote what it wants to do at the beginning of it's turn. Now that all the provinces are touching, It makes it easier to play. If Secundus is voted for then the Repuplician army would push into a Secundian Province and like wise for Alanicus. If Rome was voted for then the army would push towards Rome from its nearest point, but have to wade through anyone who stood in it's way.
Voting and moving is done straight away, so as soon as its been decided where the Senate wants to do..Its moves. Every player has to roll to work out the order of play as usual.
Remember that it's just a small group of friends playing this game and so any kinks can be ironed out as they pop up. The one thing i do know at this present time is that the voting process really does work and is good fun.
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