These fast Celtic horsemen thunder through a Roman foraging party and snatch a standard. They carry it into battle as a mark of their bravery and to taunt their most bitter enemy.

The horsemen is from AandA Miniatures and the standard is from 1st Corps.
What's the difference between a freight train and a Celtic cavalry warrior? The freight train won't back up to finish the job.
I've been marvelling at the high quality of your cartoons for a year or so now. I wonder, are they inspired by the miniatures, historical moments or do they just flow from your mind so's to speak?
Excellent; now all he needs is a legate's head to stick on his standard, and he will be able to retire to his hall and sing lots of drunken songs.
I like the way you've taken one of the "tails" off the standard to make it look battle-worn.
Fantastic!! Really nice work.
@Darrell the cartoons sprout from my love of history with a pinch of imagination aswell.
Well, wherever they come from, I think they're a fab way of 'breaking up' the blog whilst giving pleasure to your readers, if you see what I mean?
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