Monday, March 26, 2012

Lord of The Rings


Michael Awdry said...

Brilliant! Certainly made me chuckle.

Scott B. Lesch said...

Is that Boromir with the beard?

Sebastian said...

My exact thoughts when I saw Legolas doing that, not the only disgruntled 'mortal man' either :D

Love the artwork as ever :)

Secundus said...

Yes it's Boromir carrying the halfling through the snow. Legolas is running across the snow without sinking into it with his elven soft shoes while the others use their strong arms to force a path. I'm listening to it today as I work and I just laughed at this bit when I heard it. It's just typical of Elves I thought to be able to run across snow. Boromir never said it in the book but I bet he thought it on watching Legolas prancing around.

Ray Rousell said...


Scott B. Lesch said...

I didn't see it in the movie until I read the book. THEN I saw Legolas on top of the snow.

Great cartoon.

Rodger said...

Now that is great!!

Scottswargaming said...

Very funny. I actually liked this detail in the movie, as the books certainly describe elves travelling lightly over snow...

Doc Smith said...

'Bloody elves' hahaha - love it! Just as well Boromir has his hands full of hobbits and not his axe!
