Thursday, January 31, 2008
Flaccus returns a hero (Campaign 89)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Another successful Raid (Campaign 88)

Tullus has begun to move his supplies by the cover of darkness to hide them from Flaccus's mounted marauders, Flaccus on the other hand soon learns of this simple ploy and hits another large supply train as he returns through the mountains back to Noricum and up into Pannonia.

Secundus was so irate at the exploits of his wayward general that he threw another two hundred Pannonians into slavery and refused to shave! He was also heard strutting around his makeshift palace, hammering on the walls shouting "Bring me back Flaccus and my cavalry!"
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Field army of Syria (Campaign 87)

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Alanicus Digs In (Campaign 86)
This month sees the Province of Macedonia start to turn into a walled fortress, as more and more border defences spring from the nowhere. Garrisons start to appear also in Macedonia, safe guarding the route to Alanicus's Capital in Thrace. All this new development leads to a timber shortage in the Province.

Tullus's Spanish skirmishers
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Tullus under pressure (Campaign 85)

Flaccus was still at large, causing havoc and Tullus thought it unwise to stretch his supply lines any further until this marauder had been dealt with.
To deal with the growing danger of a rear attack Tullus started to buy over the loyalty of the Army of Gaul, to watch his back and safeguard his trade routes. It was also in this month that a terrible earth quake destroyed buildings in the city of Holdrianus, killing hundreds and adding to the low ebb that now carried through the morale of his army.
Secundus marches on Pannonia (Campaign 84)

Flaccus raids again (Campaign 83)

Flaccus is happiest when under his own command and has ignored several requests from Secundus to return to Noricum. News of Flaccus's success has even reached Rome where he has been hailed a hero.
It was in this cold month that the city of Carnuntum in Noricum decided to appeal to Tullus and stage a small revolt. Secundus, still livid at Flaccus's success had no time for petty up risings. He was only a days march from the city and thought it mad that they should chose now to revolt. He would teach them for there treachery! On a cold Febuary morning the 2nd Augusta was let loose on the city and hundreds people were thrown into slavery. Most of them were completely Innocent of course, but Secundus was more intrested in making an example of Carnuntum rather than seeking justice.
Above, General Flaccus surveys a supply column of Tullus with greedy eyes. His antics were turning him into something of a legend, in the eyes of his men.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Alanicus strikes Gold! (Campaign 82)

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Trouble for Tullus (Campaign 81)

Things got even worst when the victorious Legions discovered their pay chests were among the waggons and carts stolen by the raiding Flaccus. However, the last straw came when units of Spanish tribesmen started to file into the camps, they had been sent for to replace the light units lost at Valentia.

Meanwhile in Africa, Funded by the Senate, the town of Leptis Magna was enlarged, how Tullus wished he was there instead of stuck between a mutiny on one hand and fussy senaters on the other.
The Raids of Flaccus (Campaign 80)

Above, the General T. Manlius Flaccus awaits his orders.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Winter in Noricum (Campaign 79)

However, General T. Manlius Flaccus split the camp with his demands to march on Rome instead of chasing armies and restoring hurt pride. Flaccus carried a lot of weight in Rome and with the army, Secundus for once, was lost for a words. For days they argued and Secundus knew he needed a victory now more than ever, to pull these jackals back into line.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Tullus's African army gathers strength
I'm looking forward to seeing these guys on the battlefield because they look so different from everything else and have a real African feel to them. Having no command figures for this lot I decided to turn one of them into a chieftain by painting in a crown and decorating his belongings in rich colours. Being just untrained tribesmen, the warriors points cost is very cheap compared to that of the trained Roman line troops, It will be interesting to see in the game if the overwhelming numbers carry the day. Twenty four javelins coming at you is always going to be better than just twelve (from the Roman skirmish units). We will have to wait and see. Still to come is another unit the same size of Numidians.
To add a little more African character to the unit, I sculpted some raw hide cloaks and big cat pelts onto some of the riders. This is total fantasy on my part, but I thought a few Leopard skins would quite striking in the unit and give them more of an Identity. The shields also, are a selection from my 'bit box' of spares, rather than the ones provided in the packet. Another thing about these Newline Design Spanish I like, is the fact they are bereft of the characteristic Spanish chest armour and so can be painted up as any Light cavalry from anywhere with in the Empire. In my case, fast Moorish cavalry from Africa.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
The Characters behind the paint

The figure of Secundus was chosen because it looked a little like me in the face, with the thoughtful hand to mouth pose just topping it off nicely (I do it all the time when thinking). He wears the colours of a Senater on his cloak, to give him a moral high ground when in the field and to give more weight to his claim of Emperor. Being more Senator than soldier, Secundus's command base is packed full of staff officers and bodyguards, the bases three attacks are unlikely to come from Secundus himself, who relies more on his bodyguards to protect him in battle than the war like Tullus.
Alanicus, is the new threat to the Empire and a late starter. After watching from a far and preparing his forces in secret, Alanicus finally launched a devastating campaign against the East. Using his collected wealth rather than brute force to roll up province after province all the way across to Syria and down to Eygpt. Alanicus's lightning campaign has proved that, when it comes to greedy governors, the coin, is mightier than the sword. Alan enjoys playing Alanicus very much and it has brought out a rather very dark side in him. Basing his character more on the Emperor from Starwars than from Ancient history, Alanicus has knocked the arrogant Secundus off the top position of villain in the game, with his Machiavellian dealings and under handed ways. Alanicus has also shown that he is prepared to great risks and gambles openly with fate. I like this personally as it reminds me of Julius Caesar. Alanicus now finds himself in Alexandria with a tiny strike force of Legionaries, just like Caesar found himself when chasing Pompey. The Romans loved irony and so do I.
The figure of Alanicus reflects the fact that he IS the Emperor, rather than just claiming it. Whereas the other pretenders only have a dash of royal purple on them to mark them out, Alanicus is a wash with it. His large cloak is all purple and is a bold statement to all around him, he also openly flaunts the forbidden red sandals of a king, again another unmistakable sign that he IS the Emperor. If however you manage to miss these blatant signs, Alanicus's royal standard fluttering over his head should remind you. With his birth sign of Leo boldly decorated on it, Alanicus will be very hard to miss on the battlefield. Something I've told my archers! Alanicus himself, was a renowned war hero and was well trained with a sword, however, age has caught up with him over the years and he now relays on staff and body guards to protect him in battle like Secundus.
The model used for Alanicus is that of Caesar from Companion Miniatures, again another Caesar reference. I thought it closely matched the cartoons of Alanicus I had drawn for the Blog with his hard features and bitter expression. Also to add to Alanicus's pomp, trumpets and standards were added to his command base.
So there you have it, all three contenders ready for war but as everyone knows....there can be only one true Emperor.