Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Battle of Narona

The Battle of Narona

The Battle of Narona
The 2nd Cohort of the Apollinaris although facing a Cohort themselves, leave the road to aid the stricken Cohort of Pulex. They can now see the huge masses of German warriors heading straight for the Macedonicans and know they will soon be more than occupied..
Pushing his men to their limits, Pulex again enters the front rank and shouts support to his wavering forces. He is found in turn by Centurion Turrinus the giant Centurion of the 1st Cohort Macedonica and challenged to single combat. Not waiting for second invite, Pulex races up to Turrinus and kills him instantly with a thrust through the mouth and neck. Both sides freeze as the great body of Turrenus slumps to the ground, with a cheer the 1st Cohort Apollinaris charge forward. The Macedonicans are taken by the surprise and the shock of the assault sends them reeling. Taking full advantage of the situation, Pulex leads one more charge and pushes the Macedonicans back.

Above, Pulex leads the last charge that shatters the 1st Cohort of the Macedonca. As they panic and run they are overrun by Pulex's crazed Cohort and cut down to a man.

The Battle of Narona
The Battle of Narona
Pleaderdocarex at the head of the Macromanni Warbands emerges from the woods and sees that the Roman right has started to entrench itself within a small farm. As the warbands surge forward with deafening roars, Pleaderdocarex slows them up. As a young man, Pleaderdocarex accompanied his tribe on many raids against the Romans and his adventures taught him many things, one of them, was never attack Romans in a defended position. Pleaderdocarex scours the terrain for an easier target.
General Terentius mean while orders his men to heighten the stone wall to their front to slow the German charge. The sheer size and noise of the warbands is terrifying to the Marines to his right who are more at home at sea. They quickly obay his orders and hastily improve their defences.
Terentius stands with the Eagle party of the V and a Cohort of Gallic Auxiliaries to his right. Trained to throw javelins in two ranks, the Marines stand ready to his left. "let them come" Terentius is heard to shout, his cries do little to strengthen his mens' morale in the face of the Marcomanni storm clouds.

Terentius stands with the Eagle party of the V and a Cohort of Gallic Auxiliaries to his right. Trained to throw javelins in two ranks, the Marines stand ready to his left. "let them come" Terentius is heard to shout, his cries do little to strengthen his mens' morale in the face of the Marcomanni storm clouds.
The Battle of Narona

Friday, September 26, 2008
The Battle of Narona

The 1st Cohort of the XV Apollinaris meet the 3rd Cohort of the V Macedonica head on. Centurion Pulex of the XV orders his men to open ranks to allow more room for better swordsmanship and leads the assault. Much to his surprise, the Macedonican Cohort present a wall of shields as they close. The fight is brutal but both sides keep their ground. Pulex, being the veteran he is, realises the Macedonicans are fighting a holding action to buy their 1st Cohort enough time to preform a flanking attack.

Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Battle of Narona
The Battle of Narona
The Battle of Narona

Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Battle of Narona begins

Sunday, September 07, 2008
The Army of Thrace arrives (Campaign 105)
Concealed within a huge cloud of dust, the Army of Thrace trudges onto the Alluvial planes outside Narona and takes up it's position. Expecting a tiny vexillation of tired Legionaries, Terentius is amazed at the size of Flaccus's force. He soon regains his composure after his scouts report on the formations that lay ahead on the plane. "He has an army of slaves!!" laughs Terentius. His army of elite Roman Legionaries will be able to cut this rabble to pieces within an hour.
Just to be on the safe side and to calm his Tribunes, Terentius orders a Cohort of marines from the supporting fleet to re-enforce him at once. Victory is now guarantied.

Above, Terentius prepares for battle.
Flaccus frees the slaves (Campaign 104)

After a very short discussion the slaves agree and are equipped with basic armour and weapons from the baggage train. His Generals complain about the arming of such people and Flaccus knows that they are signing up to their death. However, they might just tie down enough of Terentius's forces for Flaccus to gain an advantage with his cavalry. Flaccus hopes they will buy their freedom dearly with Alanician blood.
Plastic Celt Review
Review Time

Quickshade is a new product which claims to be a way of painting armies in record time. Simply by painting just the flat colours on to the figures then dipping them into the Quickshade, armies can be painted in days rather than months. I had to give it a try.
I have given my plastic Celts small shields from my bit box, as with their running poses they will make great skirmishers.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
The Moaning Marcomamanni (Campaign 103)

Knowing that the Army of Thrace carries with it an almighty baggage train, Flaccus offers it to Pleaderdocarex as an added bonus . Pleaderdocarex's chieftains still grumble and are only silenced when they receive the honoured place in the right of the battle line as well as the baggage train. Flaccus has been bent over a barrel but he knows to lose the German's help at this late stage would mean total defeat.
Flaccus marches to meet Terentius (Campaign 102)

Flaccus's Roman force is small and marches along side two huge German formations. However, Flaccus knows what he faces and still worries it won't be enough.
Terentius Enters Dalmatia (Campaign 101)

General L.Terentius enters Dalmatia at the head of one of the finest armies in the Roman world, the Army of Thrace. Made from tough professional soldiers, this army would be unstoppable in the field.
Just across the border Terentius halted his huge force to discuss a plan of action with his generals, after two hours, a plan was decided upon. The army would head up the coast where it could be supplied by sea and use the well established trade roads. This army of full time soldiers could cover great distances in no time and Terentius knew that with it, he could go on to take Rome itself.
Above, Terentius glowers at his generals over a map of the province. Behind him stand his personal assistants, all young boys. This group of young boys and men follow Terentius every where, even on to the battlefield at times. He lovingly refers to them as 'his little bodyguards'. For this reason he has been frowned upon in Rome, but Alanicus knows he is a good general despite his vices and over looks them.
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