First six finished and the next batch drying.

I finally cracked the French blue using the dip, for It proved a real tricky colour to get right. The base colour was foundry's French Blue 'B' from their Napoleonic range. Once dipped it went a slight shade darker. Now comes the trick, rather than highlight with the same colour, I went one higher and used the 'C' pot. This created a higher contrast and for the first time the dark blue colour looked shaded. Simple but It took a few goes to get right.

Beautiful. I'm particularly taken by the stubble effect you've achieved -very clever indeed. Thanks for these posts.
Admittedly, they turned out quite nice. ;-)
Normally I don't like dipping white areas, but here it looks surprisingly convincing. Well done!
Highlighting a bit of white over the dipped works wonders - makes it really 'pop'. Love the 6 o'clock shadow effect on the lads too!
very nice. I like the effect
They look great; loads of character.
Hi Guys and cheers for the comments. I create the stubble by mixing a tiny bit of grey with the flesh tone and painting it on the chin. Very simple but it really gives the figure character i find and it's easy to do.
Also the snowy effect of the matt varnish on the extreme close ups, soon disappeared...to my relief.
Excellent work! You are going to have quite an army there.
I love these, and, dare I say it, they look a bit like your cartoons- real little characters!
Really nice work once again and as always the paint work is just very cool i'll be trying a bit of this myself i think. love your work
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