Although Secundus had lost to Tullus at Velentia, this crushing defeat of Tullican forces more than made up for it and Secundus made preparations to sacrifice a thousand bulls in thanks to the Gods. Secundus knew with Narona and now Senones now under his belt, he was well on his way to being the sole Emperor, he was getting used to the taste of success...
Great write up and splendid cartoons! I wish I could cartoon, myself...
Thanks It took me a while to draw them all up, I always sit on the train trying to remember key points in the battle and illustrate them.
Will the campaign continue?
I'm sure we'll find the time for a few more battles, the way things are going it may only take a few more... Secundus for Emperor!!
Plinius/I damn nearly won that battle. He/I DID win it, or would have done, had the Gladiators not collapsed and taken Plinius with them. The cavalry was swinging around and your/Secundus's/Dewolfus's line was doomed. Had the Gladiators been around for just one more game turn, it would have been a very different story.
And lets be honest, at Narona you got lucky. What are the chances of three Cohorts of Legionaries - an entire Legion - all failing their leadership/Panic roll at the same time? I mean, really? How likely is that to happen again?
So it isn't nearly as clear cut and over as you like to think. There are plenty of battles left to play, lots, not just "a few more". Anbd they won't come easy to you.
So there! :)
When both armies were on the field I think it was clear that you should of won that battle, the only thing you didn't take into account...was the luck of the dice. A 'clear run thing' can very quickly turn into a 'near run thing' with too many bad throws. See my latest book ' The Dice Gods and how to appease them' lol.
First, let me once again say that I really enjoy reading about these battles.
One of the things I've noticed is a lack of artillery on the field. Was a conscience decision made to avoid employing scorpions and stone throwers, and if so, why?
Hello Rodney, They weren't in the army lists we created for these 'mobile' armies. We see Artillery more for sieges and don't like to soak up points with them on the field. If we have a siege situation I'm sure you'll see some stone throwers and scorpions.
Did the Battle of the Senones change the campaign map at all...?
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