Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Red in tooth and claw

 The Goblins have got some fleet footed helpers to even the odds with those bloody handed Elves. Above, the great White Warg, leader of wolf packs north of the mountains. He will bring order to the forests of the fair folk.
This lot have been varnished with 'Kleer' floor polish as a hard coat, ready for their matt finish.

 Several packs combine to form a huge ravenous coalition, these fast moving killers should tip the balance of power in the Southern vales. Where there are wolves in such numbers, Wargs are soon to follow and with them... come riders!

Just one look is all It takes to bring the baying packs into line from the great Warg.


Conrad Kinch said...

A dangerous looking customer.

tim said...

Very nice! Looks quite menacing!

Sebastian said...

They're a great set of wolves/wargs - which maker produced the White Warg in particular?

Particularly like the bloodied maw - grim touch ;)

Nick Grant said...

I wouldn't want to meet them in a dark alley!

Secundus said...

@sebastian, the Warg is from Reaper Miniatures and Is from their bones collection. Nice figure, very large, great for a hero character.

Sebastian said...

@Secundus Thanks Secundus, shall check wander over there :)

SADLOVE said...

"In Memoriam A.H.H." is a poem by the British poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson, completed in 1849. ... Another much-quoted phrase from the poem is "nature, red in tooth and claw," found in Canto 56, referring to humanity: Who trusted God was love

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Unknown said...

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Ardi Herbalalami said...

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Achmad Syarifuddin said...

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