Friday, July 26, 2024

'wrench' Decepticon Medic

I created this bot as I thought the 'Cons' could use some medical backup. After doing some searching I found a picture of a Decepticon Medic in the comics.

Wrench and Ratchet.

He was quite easy to put together, using resin guns and plasticard over a Bumblebee character. I had great fun creating a wrist monitor and buttons.

 His chest panel doubles as a diagnosis array.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Something Different...

I really fancied painting something different today so broke out a couple of figures from Pig Iron Productions.
These are the test models so I can see what works and pick colours.

Rather than spend hours trying to come up with a colour scheme, I went on Pinterest and scrolled through some designs.
After finding one I liked I set to work matching up paints to the image. Working from your phone is a pain as the image keeps closing.

I think these figures are a little different to what I would normally turn out so the reference trick worked. They seem more colourful and adventurous. Pinterest is a great source of inspiration, especially for sci-fi matters.

 These have had a glossy coat of Kleer floor varnish, so will be Matt varnished tomorrow. There are a few things I will do differently on the next batch that will really simplify the process.

Update: I have a go at getting the camouflage closet to the image.

Update: The rest of the squad fall in complete with heavy weapon.

They are a breeze now the colour scheme has been worked out.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Silvan Elves WIP

The next company of Gildor is shaping up, although I will have to add some more spearmen to the ranks. 
The printed shields from eBay are stuck on and await some bronze paint.

I thought this chunky guy could be the captain of the company, he certainly looks fierce enough.

These GW Dark elf heads work well for Wood elves too I think. They have an Oak leaf shape around the eye slits.

This metal Wood elf will come in useful. He now carries a plastic spear from Fire forge. The length of the spear will be great for putting this guy in the rear ranks.

A classic Wood elf figure, lightly armoured with a mail corset and shield. He will fit right in with my forces. 
This Elf was interesting, I painted him all over in the same green. I then used inks to tweak certain garments as a test. Once given a Matt varnish it should work well with all the tones being related.
The third company has seen a few reds slip into the ranks. They should all tie in with the woodland colour scheme.

Leaf it out!

Adding little pouches over the daggers is a favourite touch of mine.

The greenstuff extras really make the difference with these figures. Red ink around the base of the bronze helmet gives it a nut like look, great for Silvan elves.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Workstation study 2024

Choas theory...or is it Chaos therapy?

This stuff spreads quicker than the Red weed.