Well, with an order like that I thought I'd better add a few more packs (ammunition) to the mules. I cut up some bolsa wood into ammo box shapes and stuck them on the mules. I also partly covered them with wet wipes again to act as canvas. The wipes were given a coat of watered down PVA to give them more of a canvas look.
Two gun fighters from Newline Design will double as teamsters. Clint with his poncho looks good already but the other guy just needed a box to carry and job doneThe pack mules are from Irregular Miniatures again and are perfect for the job. I twisted some of the heads and necks carefully to give them more variety.
As well as ammo packs I also added some tent poles and stacked canvas bundles. Hopefully now this single sculpt will look like a host of individual animals.
A bit of research shows the mules in a spread out line, hence the train ref I suppose. For this I've ordered some 90mmx40mm bases.
I will make up 4 bases with 2 mules and a teamster to a base.
The drying racks get their brown undercoat. I also added some fine cotton to bind the poles together. This was wound over super glue so it stuck fast.
I thought this Indian casualty figure had more protectional. So I straightened him up on his base with some pliers, added a knife and then fashioned a scalp. The scalp is made from a dried wet wipe so it actually looks like hair. He stands over a dead trooper, I cut the top off his head to complete the grizzly effect. This victorious figure can be a single guy on his own base, this way he will always be popping up as the double man bases take casualties.
I nice cardboard neckachef for Tom.