Here are some rock pools to add to a coastal game mat. I've added some kelp seaweed to make them a bit more North sea.
There are also a couple of other prints that I plan to use as Fomorian shrines. Places where they honour their dead and stack weapons and armour in tribute.
To save on the greenstuff, I switched to Milliput as it's cheaper for bigger pieces.
I'll add some more skulls and weapons etc to these bases.
Update: So the Fomorians crawled out of the icy North sea in the night and adorned the pools with their burial goods.
Fomorian skulls and weapons now litter the swallow pools, soon to be covered by the rising tide.
Barnacles were just grit stuck with PVA glue. After the glue was dry I gave the grit another wash of the glue. This should make it stand up to a good dry brushing.
One of the new swirly shields gets placed in the pool. I gave the water a coat of PVA glue just to get rid of the 3D printing texture.
I will add a little more seaweed now the skulls are in.
Update: These models were sprayed black then dry brushed with grey and white. Contrast colours were then painted over the highlighted pools.
To make them look a bit more aquatic and fantasy, I included colours like blue and purple into the palette.
Here we can see a highlighted model before the Contrast paint washes.